Your desire for more abundance has been heard by your Angels.
Abundance comes in many ways. Be receptive to all channels. When someone offers you the last cookie, take it graciously. A penny on the ground is also a small but generous gift from the Universe. When you find abundant energy is slow or stopped, it is often because you stopped being receptive. It may sound silly, “How can I not be receptive to money?” You have created a block, some how – some way.
You don’t need to diagnose the exact problem to start the energy faucet to flow. Just begin to accept all wonderful gifts that come your way. Recognize each with gratitude. Your Angels are sending you blessings now.
Once you begin to see the small little blessings, they will give you confirmation that the big ones are coming too.
Alternative Meanings: An unexpected gift. A social invitation. Rewarded for your efforts. You are in alignment with your manifestations.
Thank you Angels for creating my ever increasing flow of abundance.
I am grateful and ready to receive these gifts now.

I picked the Angel of abundance…how cool…
I picked the Abundance Angel. I am so glad these are back! Bless you.
Hi Lisa,
To be honest, me too!
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Thank you. I needed to hear this. Awesome message. I saw 3 clouds in a row and they like an angel. And so I picked.
I pick Angel.of Abundance I love it
I pick angel of abundance I am so happy
I picked the angle of abundance x thank you so much so needed and grateful xx
thank you i need this
I did too!
I agree!
I pick Angel of abundance again I am so happy thank u
Yes I picked..Angel of Abundance
Come my way need this.
I need a blessing for Financial and love
I picked the Angel of Abundance. Thankyou for your readings. In a time like this the world needs good news. Stay Safe
I too picked the Angel of Abundance as I am open to all great or small.
I thoroughly enjoy my daily angel messages. Thank you so much. Congrats on the birth of your grandchild!
Thank you so much. It’s so hard to be positive when I feel so responsible for my daughters dog needing surgery. I was playing fetch with her when the ligament in her knee ruptured
Hi Janice, I am sorry to hear about the dog’s injury. This happens often. Our dog had the surgery, my son’s dog and my niece’s dog too. The expense is large but the recovery is wonderful.
The tear did not begin and end with you playing with the dog. This is something that was developing over many hours of fetch, and decided to finally give out then. You are not responsible.
Send the dog love and release your guilt.
Blessings to you and your family,
~ Karen
I received the abundance Angel and am so Grateful. I needed this cause I have a list of people I want to help
Thank You
Oh how wonderful, Mariana. Blessings to you and all you do. ~ Karen
Hi I picnked the abundance card. how awesome. Thank uou my guardian angel n Karen.
Have a beautiful bless day.
Thanks so much for this reading. I needed to hear this and accept all the wonderful gifts coming my way.
Have a Wonderful Week
Amen thank you
Thanks for the message
Thanks for that great Message
Thankyou my Angels..!!always.
Thank you and blessings to you
Thankyou for the heads up My Angels..!!needed the uplift..
Amen thank you Angels
Thank you there is so many animals and people I will be able to help.
Thank you, have a lovely day
Thank you and have a lovely day
Thank you. Have a lovely day
Lovely Thank you
Thank you
Thank you very much and blessings to you
Angel of Abundance.. praying for this now
Thank you for this reading and blessings to you
Blessings to you
What a nice message from the angels today, just loved it!! Thanks so much, Karen.
I love my angels and except all gifts
Thank you kindly Angels♥️
Thank you. I chose the angel of abundance, so very much needed ❤️
With Gratitude, thank you Angels for my abundancethank you UniverseBlessed be
Thank you Angels, with Gratitude♀️
Perfect pick today! So be it, and it is. Ty, Ty, ty!♥️
Just perfect, so needed, so inspirational! Ty, ty, ty. And so it is. Blessings, Karen,
With love,
Thank yo so much, Karen how i love this card!♥️ So grateful for the abundance in my life!
Perfect, just wanted I needed today! I am blessed. Amen! Ty Karen!♥️ And so it is!
So grateful for the Angel of Abundance, needed this card today so much! Ty, ♥️
So grateful for this card, needed it so much, to know my Angel of Abundance is with me. Amen & ty
So grateful for this card today!Ty, so wonderful! Amen. Many blessings ♥️
Needed this card today. Ty♥️
Yes! I knew this all along,blessings
So glad I got this card today
I’m so grateful for the Angels of Abundance, just what I needed now. I receive it with gratitude. Ty Karen, God & Angels. Amen♥️
Love this message for today!
Was exactly whats been on my mind, thank you and blessings to you all xx
Thank you for coming and leaving a message. Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank You Karen for putting your cards on here. They are amazing.
Oh Sheryl, Thank you so much. Your words mean so much to me. Blessings for a wonderful day ~ Karen
Love the message ❤️
Thank you. I am really enjoying writing them. So glad you like it. ~ Karen
Exactly what I needed to hear today!!! I always Love these messages!!! Thank you ♥️
Hi Christine, Thank you so much. Have a lovely evening. ~ Karen
Inspiring message today. I shall be receptive. Thank you.
I often thank God for the sight of a bird or flower or deer throughout the day, and pennies and feathers and very creative things from my son in spirit. Roses come from my mother. I love, love, love this reading.
Thank you for visiting today. My Dad comes as a cardinal … we have had one visiting a lot recently. Have a great day. ~ Karen
HI Karen
Thank you for coming back . I love the card that I pick which it was the abundance.
Many God Blessings.
Hi Nilda,
What a great card to choose.
Blessings back to you!
~ Karen
I needed this reading today, thank you. I having been in a good place for awhile..
Hi Denice,
Thank you for visiting. Please come back soon.
~ Karen
I have missed these readings. So glad to see them again. I picked abundance it was perfect for me today.
Thank you.
Hi Jill,
Thank you. I missed sending them.
Have a wonderful day!
~ Karen
Thank you Angels of abundance , thank you Karen . many blessings to you xx
Thank you very much for always sharing great words of inspiration and encouragement. May you be blessed a thousand fold. Always love and smile.
Hi Cynthia,
Thank you for your appreciation. It means so much to me.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Infinite Love and Gratitude Angels and Karen! I picked the Angels of Abundance and it is just what I needed to hear!
Hi Lyla Lee,
Thank you for visiting.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Fabulous. Chose Angel of Abundance. Yes, I need to be more grateful for all I already have. I will make a concerted effort to show my gratitude more clearly, as I know I am blessed and may not show it often enough. Thank you Angels for all your help and I AM truly grateful for all my blessings.
Hi Mary,
We all can use to be more grateful.
I am grateful you came here today.
~ Karen
Thank you karen, I just wished I could buy some of your products, but the shipping is out of my reach unfortunately as I live in Australia. But we do have an angel lady in out town her Name is Michelle, Thank again God Bless You and Frank 🙂
Hi Heather, Michelle is a lovely women. And I totally understand about the shipping costs. Thank you for wanting to purchase something from me. I appreciate the intention.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you, was the news I was waiting for. Love & light. Xx
Thank you Karen I enjoyed my reading
Today and how wonderful i received my message at 111 Irish times love your daily reading bless you ❤
Thank you for the wonderful message. Blessings to you❤️
I picked the angel of abundance thank you for this just what I needed thank you
This Angel of Abundance really resonates with me today. I accepted a social invitation to go to a Strawberry Festival today. Looking forward to being out in nature at the beautiful Floyd Lamb Park, here in Las Vegas. Thank You Angels and Thank You Karen.
I picked the angel of abundance thank you for this just what I needed thank you Karen for the Angel Card readings. They help a lot. Blessings and have a blessed day!
I thoroughly enjoy these readings everyday. Also glad they’re back.
Thank you Karen and thank you angels of abundant for the blessings i received today xx
Thank you Angels of abundance ,thank you Karen bless you x
Thank you for this . I am grateful.xxx
Thanks so much for the Message. I received a blessing I will start my student teaching this fall…My abundance is on its way. I give all the glory to god almightly
Thanks again for the wonderful card Abundance. I will accept all the gifts that are coming my way. I need to hear this and learn to be patience.
Thank you Angels of Abundance .Thank you Karen xx
Thank you Angels of Abundance. I am very grateful for the small blessing coming into my life.
I just finished all my academic courses and now I am on my way to Student Teach…
Thank you for this message,,,that I needed so bad…
Yes I picked the right card No. 3
Angel of Abundance. How Blessings Thankyou my guardian Angel in Karen. Thankyou.
Blessings for a wonderful Day !
Thank you
Angel of Abundance….Please come my way, I need a blessing for a new job opportunity.
I also received the abundance card! I do needed to hear about the acceptance though. Thank you.
Thanks…I am open to receive any gifts big or small.!!!
Thanks ,,,I will be open to all abundance coming my way. I am very grateful for receiving any gifts big or small.
Thank You , Blessings to you too ✝️✝️✝️
Hi Linda, Thank you. And, also with you. ~ Karen
Thank You, Amen.xx
Thank you for reminding me not to overlook the “little” things in life.
Thank you Angels for creating my ever-increasing flow of abundance. I AM GRATEFUL AND READY TO RECEIVE THESE GIFTS.
What a wonderful card today. It’s my birthday I will be with my family I couldn’t ask for any more. Life is good and I am grateful .
I chose the Angel of Abundance. So cool as it aligned with my daily angel card I use to learn what I need to focus on for the day. Thank you for the reinforced what I need to focus on!
Good morning Thank you Amen
This Angel Card is PERFECT for today! Thank you Karen for this little treasure. I love receiving Angel of Abundance, especially when I am faltering in my faith! Divine timing in every way. Thank you!!!!
Today i chose the Angel of Abundant card thank you with much love and gratitude
Thank you for this beautiful message ❤️
WOW I get an Angel of the Abundance. Thank you Angels I really appreciated!!