It is time to allow healing to happen.
Throughout your life, you have felt heartache, rejection and even betrayal. It may have come from others or originated from you. Be kind to yourself and allow acceptance to happen. No one, absolutely no one, is perfect. And no one knows what is going on inside of someone else.
You are being called upon to forgive. Forgiveness allows you to release the pain that lives inside you. There is nothing you can do to make it not have happened. You can choose to live in the pain or let it go. Forgiveness is the first step in moving forward by allowing the energy of the past to be released.
(Learn how illness can manifest from holding on to emotions.)
Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.
Alternative Meanings: An attempt to amend is coming. You have released a block, and now are ready to move forward. A misunderstanding may happen; don’t jump to conclusions.
I release the energy of past pains by forgiving myself and others.
With Divine Love and Grace, my heart is healing now.

I have tried to forgive but I can’t…. Sorry !!
Hi Jeanene,
Don’t be sorry. You have the choice to hold on to the energy. Maybe in time, maybe not.
Ask your Angels to help release the pain and ease the strength of the cords. This will help soothe your heart.
Love to you ~ Karen
I have forgiven but the hurt will not go away.
You don’t have to forget to forgive. Acceptance of what happened and the desire to move forward in a positive direction will help you release the hurt.
Ask your Angels to help you move through this process.
Love ~ Karen
Thank you for this affirmation! To release the energy of past pains by forgiveness! With Divine Love and Grace, my heart is healed!!!
Thank you. Sending Angel blessings to you and yours
Thank you so much. Sending blessings to you as well. ~ Karen
This hits spot on I’m learning about mindfulness and how to live in the now. I also just apologized to an ex who well our relationship was toxic and abusive but it took both of us to fight. I expected him to respond by apologizing but he basically just agreed we had a toxic relationship. So now I have to forgive where forgiveness wasn’t asked.
I’m not sure how this applies at the moment….I am a pretty forgiving person…I need prayers please as I am entrenched in preparing to move in 3 weeks. Sold my house, bought another. Trying to pack a 2300 sq foot house essentially by myself. I have called in a guy to do an estate sale, set up movers, cleaners…overwhelmed with stress. Trying to take it a day sometimes an hour at a time.
When Im able to work through the process of anger and ready to forgive but really would rather not have any contact with that person or Communication maybe not even a hello Is that also forgiveness? or is that considered resentment or boundaries? It’s happened many times with this person and I have forgiven to happen again! I’m part of the problem. Suggestions?
Hi Sue,
Separation is way of giving you time to heal. Seeing them again, shows you how much you have healed. It is like an onion peel – you heal a layer, and then reveal another.
Suggestion … keep working on yourself. The more you heal the love inside increases. Your anger and resentment will subside and even diminish when you are living a wonderfully full life … to be honest, eventually you may not even notice that person in the room. And, if you do …. being your fullest loving and living you … it is probable that will look at this person with compassion … for they will never know the happiness you have inside. At that point … you will see that because of them … you were force to do your work … and may even give a sense of gratitude. Crazy, right? Very true.
This has happened to me with many people. I was always looking for their approval, and when I didn’t get it … well, it sort of broke me inside. I learned to love me … and know that I am awesome … seeing the people who rejected me only showed me how strong I am and how I have grown. Sidenote: I don’t purposely attend huge parties full of people who reject me … I surround myself with people who love and encourage me.
Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
Hey Keren I’m with you. When I forgave a person after 2 years I just let it go. I felt so much better. I don’t hate on people any more. It makes you sick and no one win. Its best to love one another not hate.
Thanks Jerri McLaughlin
Spot on! I know I really need to forgive and let go. Working on it; releasing is the hard part.
forgiveness is so easy but forgetting is hard
You don’t need to forget. If it is something you continue to focus on, more releasing work needs to be done. But forget, it will slip from you mind … and you will be able to move on.
~ Karen
Thank you my Angels and Karen Amen !!!! Love from Greece
Hi Eleni,
Sending love to you in Greece!
~ Karen
I just dont care anymore. It’s not important it’s not taking up any more of my life.
What a great place to reach. Self-love and letting go. Healing. ~ Karen
I am working on this. I forgive others the hardest is to forgive myself for allowing things to happen, even though I know I did the best I could.
I need to learn how to forgive and move on to the next level in my life. Thanks for reminding me to let the past go
and ask my angels to help me,
Thank you I need to learn how to forgive and let go…I understand I need to move on and try not to look back
Thanks for the message
So very hard to forgive a person that came between me and family…i pray for time..thank you my Angels ..
I forgive others so easily, I don’t hold grudges…. The problem is I have a hard forgiving myself for anything. This is truly something I am trying to work on. I want to love me again! I want to look in the mirror and see what my husband sees when he looks at me! Thank you for this message
Thank you. ❤️ xxx
It’s very hard to forgive ,especially a child..whi can’t find. The see you ..nor his family..very hurtful..dont know it by can forgive …thankyou my Angels.
YES I have been hurt, rejected, betrayed in this life. I have been learning to let go and forgive. working on a forgiveness as we speak.
I have made the choice to forgive, but it seems my thoughts that often return reflect unforgiveness plus , sometimes, a great desire for my “offenders” to know in abundance how I felt and what I experienced as a result of the relationships with “them.”
Thank you and Bless You
I enjoyed this reading and I realize that no one is perfect and expecting perfection is not realistic. I love quirky and humble but don’t seek perfection in others or myself.
I am trying to forgive my ex boyfriend who continuously cheated on me and lied. Our relationship was a long lonely lie. …but…I am getting there with trying to forgive him….for me, it’s the only way to feel completely free again. Thank you Angels and Karen….perfect card for me at this moment in time ….Thank you x
Focus on forgiving yourself. Give love to you … and start to see the part you played in your relationship.
When you fill yourself with love and find joy to fill the space he used to take up in your heart, you will be able to accept and forgive. From that high vibrational place, you will no longer be able to carry the heaviness of resentment and blame.
Do things that bring joy into your life. Stay in the present moment … not thinking of the past or the future … rather focusing on what you are doing, who you are with … and your surroundings. This is were joy grows.
Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
Thank you so much Karen xx
Interesting, I always thought of myself as a forgiving person. But I didn’t forgive, I just buried it and moved on leading to more layers of resentment and bitterness , while all this time I didn’t even realize.
I am just now realizing I do need to forgive….it isnt easy but it has to happen. Thanks for the reminder
THANK YOU.MY ANGELS .but some things are difficult to forgive.
Thank you I’m doing this and the angels have been guiding me thru it this is my affirmation ❤
Sometimes it’s difficult..especially when you’ve done nothing wrong..!!And certain family members twist something completely innocent to there benefit..it truly hurts hard to forgive when theybshpuld be asking forgiveness..But Thank you m Angels
I dont know how to forgive. I’m not even sure I understand what forgiveness is.
Is it to be ok with what or who hurt you? How can you just let it go?
I’d like to rid myself of anger, its draining me but I dont understand or know HOW to forgive or release. I wish I did.
I don’t think this is for me. I am not mad at anyone but maybe the angels know more than me
Blessings to you
Thank you
Thank you and blessings to you
Hi Jeanette, Hope you are planning on having an amazing day! ~ K
It makes sense..
But I’ve been used & betrayed
& In a Very Abusive Relationship
for 8 yrs about 22 yrs ago.. & till this day, I have NIGHTMARES
Thank you Angels….for always listening to me. ….xxx
Thank you for the message …….. you could be right….
Yes I enjoyed the reading thank you
I have tried but am being rejected. I will forgive in my heart and it the other person rejects me I will feel relived that I forgave.
Its very hard to let it go when there was so much pain
I lost my son and grandchildren because of my daugther, and my only sister don’t contact me anymore, it’s so hard for me not seeing them in over 35years, a lady 3 years. and now my daughter 1st child was 9 when I last saw her, she’s grown up and I have a great grandchild who I don’t know. How do I forgive and tell my sister why!
Forgive. Forgive yourself and them. Become whole and happy with who you are. Then, reach out and see if they have done the same. Some times we dream that a place will be better than the place we are in … simply because we don’t truly appreciate what we have now. Find your happiness, and bring it with you when you meet them again. Become a light, and shine brightly.
Allow them to see the radiant beautiful person you are.
~ Karen
Ive learned to forgive and it isn’t easy, but why hold on and be angry? You feel so much better when you let it go.
Hardest to forgive myself…but I’m working on it. Asking angels for help. Thank you.
Forgiveness is hard. You can forgive no matter how hard, but you;ll never forget.
Yes I did enjoy it
This card resonates with me perfectly!
Thanks soo much!! So fitting
TyAnd so it is! It is done♥️
Good morning to all ! In the last few weeks I’ve had an inner peace along with knowing that all is well ! Thank you Dear Angels for helping me go forward and not to focus on the past !
I don’t know how to.. the hurt is so deep. How?
I’ll never forgive but I’ve learned to live with it
I really appreciate what you are saying about forgiving and moving forward with life. I have a difffult time with myself about these encounters I realized that it’s not a healthy attitude to have it gets to much in the way
I have come a long way from havewhat I have been thru and still have a distance to accomplish
Thank you for your words
Thank you so much Angels & Karen. Forgiving others seems easier for me than the practice of forgiving myself & that is an on going process for me. Grateful for the remind that is IS an on going process for us all. Sending many blessings, love & light to you & Frank. Thank you both for all you do to make our world a better place.
Hi Cathryn,
I totally agree. Forgiving myself was (is) the hardest of all. Definitely an ongoing process for me too.
~ Karen
Wow. I accepted a friend’s request from someone I needed to forgive for judging me. This is still a little touchy, but in time this too shall pass.
Thank you for the reminder… I need to let go more often.
Thank you.
Hi Marci,
Have a blessed day!
~ Karen
I have forgiven others but I don’t know how to forgive myself feel empty inside
I was able to forgive myself when I realized that I am not the same person I used to be. I am not THAT PERSON who did that … said that …. whatever it was. I am me now.
There is no way to change the past, you can only change the future. In order to move forward, and make positive changes in your life and the people around you … you have to forgive yourself.
Imagine if a little girl came to you so very sad … she did something she felt was unforgivable. She was sobbing and so sorry.
What would you do? What would you say?
You would take her in your arms … hold her tight, and tell her everything was going to be okay. You would love her.
You are that little girl. Love yourself … allow you to heal. No one else can do it for you.
Ask your Angels to surround you in Divine Love during this process. I am sure there will be much releasing as you begin this process.
Go now … look in the mirror … say … I love you to yourself. Do it now, and every day.
God loves you. Your Angels love you. It is time for you to love you.
Love and blessings ~ Karen
This hits home for me cause mine always hits me at this time. See my dad had a stroke and came completely back all but driving within a year. Here in lies the problem I had a year to go visit him but I being a workaholic let work get in the way. He passed away from a heart attack almost a year to the day from the stroke and I never made it back unail his funeral. The only solace I have is that I make certain to take time for family.
Great reading! I do feel that I have recently let go of some blocks in my path through forgiveness. Just another Divine confirmation! THANK YOU!
Thank you for for visiting. You know how excited I am to have launched these cards! Blessings to you ~ Karen
I know in my life that the past and today I have had alot of pain and heartache and they say that you can forgive but you can’t forget.
Forgiveness and acceptance. When these things happen for you, you will not think about this part of your past. When it does pop up, it will help you see how far you have come in your healing process. Love yourself through it. Angels please help Denise heal … Thank you. ~ Karen
Forgiveness … I know this is an area I could use work.
Thank you for for visiting. You know how excited I am to have launched these cards! Blessings to you ~ Karen
Keep working!
Keep trying!
I promise I will!
Thank you, Karen.
We are all a work in progress. We have ups and downs … we are human. Sending much love to you. ~ Karen
Oh … this card is perfect for me today. Thank you, Angels.
Thank you for this message today Angels … I will watch to see how I should apply this in my day. ~ Karen
Thank you for this message. Its something I’m working on in therapy.
Forgiveness is a valuable gift you give yourself. I know, I have done it too. ~ Karen
Such a great thing to read before going to work. Thanks!!!!
Hi Sue,
Have a wonderful day at work!
Make lots of people smile.
~ Karen
I cnt forgive but i just move on and hope i will forget as time goes on with me.
Try to release the pain associated with it for your own sake. Just forgetting will leave the energy inside of you.
Ask your Angels for help.
~ Karen
Beautiful message, thank you xx
It’s so frustrating to constantly forgive the same people over and over again. When do you say enough??
Hi Corinne,
Forgive does not mean allow them to do it again. Understand who they are, and protect yourself. Set boundaries.
Blessings ~ Karen
Thanks. Blessings.
Thank you for this reading, it resonates with me. I am at the moment working on forgiving the sin. It is getting easier to do, and I know I will never forget but that is getting easier to live with too. With days when I do not give the situation any thought at all. I work very closely with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael for cutting of cords so as soon as a negative thought comes in, I ask him to cut and I watch it float away. I find your readings very comforting, sometimes when I am trying to see which one I am drawn too, One pops up, its been picked for me and the message is very inspiring to me. Love and Light all the way from the UK.
Sometimes forgiveness of one’s hurtful words or actions are difficult to forgive .I do try to find some good in some events. That happened..as you know words can hurt more.actions follow.
Thankyou for the advice my Angels..
Thanks, again. Blessings.
Again you are spot on with what is happening to me. Thank you xxx
Thanks for this message
Thank you x
Thanks for the Reminder
Maybe I have forgiven , but the pain on
(So many levels ) is so
Great that it’s irrelevant that I have
Forgiven .
Hi Doreen,
It is the “onion peel” that has been removed which is very important. As each layer is stripped away, you will feel less and less pain. The first few layers are the outer skin that have hardened to self-protect.
Give love to yourself for acknowledging your first steps towards releasing this pain. Know you are doing all this for yourself and the people you love. You are removing old generational karma. Let it stop with you.
Blessings to you,
PS … miss our chats.
I have forgiven and I can tell I feel free more aware and when life throw me a brick I use it instead of throwing it back to hurt someone.
I never thought these people would hurt me the way they have. I thought I was as important to them as they are to me. At 65 I feel irrelevant. I need to forgive for my sake, but how do I stop it from happening again. It hurts too much to care 🙁 🙁
Ask your Angels to help you with healing your heart. Set an intention to surround yourself with people who love and support you.
There may have been signs leading up to this final event … your heart should have been telling you. If you didn’t hear the warnings, it is time to start meditating to get in touch with your inner guidance system.
At 65, you still have a lot of your life left. You can reflect on your past, but put it behind you. Shift your attention to filling the next 30 years with joy.
Blessings to you, Karen
I think I have forgiven but the hurt sneaks back when you least expect it,I ask my angels for help as I can’t move on if I don’t,the card was spot on ,thank you xx
Hi Dallas,
It is the onion peeling allowing you to see how much more pain you are still holding on to. Recognize it … smile at it with surprise that it is still there … and send it love.
~ Karen
Thanks for teaching me how to release and let go
I think we can find forgiveness but doing so doesn’t mean you have to accept those who have hurt you back into your life. My thoughts are people have different perspectives on matters and if you have been hurt y actions then you learn to stay clear of those with such actions that have hurt you, but you don’t have to let it into your space allowing for more damage.
I may be wrong but I have found that o forgive over and over again and end up in the same situation. So have chosen to verbally state one last chance but no more.
Just my thought.
Hi Susan,
Yes, learning what hurts your heart or empowers you bringing you joy is how we navigate our lives.
Experiencing repeating patterns is a reflection of ourselves and something inside of us we would benefit to recognize.
I was a people pleasers. I wanted everyone to like me … if you didn’t, I would work even harder to be someone you would like. Of course, that really never worked and I couldn’t please everyone. Self-healing taught me to love myself enough to release the desire to be liked by everyone. I like myself just the way I am. Now, I am happy.
If you find you are in the same place over and over, take a look at why you put yourself there. Love yourself.
Blessings for a wonderful day,
~ Karen
Thank you. I guess it’s easier said than done. But I needed to be reminded I’m not doing anyone any favors hanging on. Now if I could just let go of the man who holds my broken heart that would be great.
A very timely card for me. I needed the confirmation to help me move on in a positive manner. Forgiving, not forgetting, and learning not to trust blindly. I always trust that everyone has my heart and will act in love and have good intentions. I pray the Lord will change my heart so I can move on, instead of stayIng stuck- unable to love fully, because it’s lurking waiting to rear it’s ugly head, thank you.
Thanks for this message. I am still learning how to forgive …I really need my angels to help me with this
thanks for this message. I need the angels to help me with forgiveness toward people who have hurt me.
thanks for this message about learning how to practice forgiveness. I am still learning how important this is if I plan on moving forward in my life.
I praying , I ask shall I would like to say I am sorry for my mistake, i Shall ask I forgive you lord for not promise and my motivation is weak I am try real hard to be motivating , I am open the new door to learn my new life to say Forgive and Sharing and Love . Thankyou for make me Forgiveness Angel . Love Raelyn.
Thanks came at a needed time!
May everyone stay safe and feel their blessings!
I needed this card today. I am still learning how to forgive. I have realize in order for me to move on from the past hurt . I must let it go
Dear Karen, so much has happened in my past. I have tried to forgive myself and others but it just doesn’t seem to work. Do you have any pointers for me please. Karen
Pick one pain, and work on it. Forgiving and releasing your past will be a process. You will think you are over it, and then it appears again and is a familiar trigger. (The “Onion Peel” Concept – layer by layer.) But it is less … allow yourself to feel and heal from that next level. The next time is shows up … it will be even less. Etc. Then, choose another.
Guilt may be your anchor into holding onto the past. Not deserving of happiness is another common reason to remain stagnant.
Taking a very direct, serious approach toward loving yourself is “key.” You are not that person now. You learned so much from that situation. It has made you who you are now, someone who would not do that.
Ask yourself, how long do you need to be punished? In your mind, is there a length of imprisonment that this “crime” would require? Only multiple deaths would be a lifetime. Only you are your judge and jury. So, decide how long you should be self-sentenced. Has that time passed? If so, you have done your time. It is time for you to be released. Believe that. It is your step to “freedom.”
The next step is realizing that you have a whole new life ahead of you.
If you need to stay away from the people of your past (including family), do it. This is your healing time. You can’t heal if you continue the old cycle.
Once you have put yourself in a loving protective space, start loving yourself. Meditate. Look in the mirror and say “I love you. Today, we are going to be happy. It is going to be an incredible day!”
In that protected space, be creative – draw, write, whatever creative endeavor you enjoy … but nothing about your past (that is done) … only your future. Dream … what are your dreams? Spend time in nature … go for long walks in a park … at the water’s edge … put your feet in … feel peace. Let it flow all over you.
New people will come … be open and trusting. Become happy again.
Remember the “Onion Peel” … it will come up again … that is what healing is … a process … but each time it is less and less until you don’t notice it at all. Then you are fully healed.
When this happens, you will be strong enough to see those people … love them for bringing you to this amazing life you are now living. Give them compassion if they are still living in the past, because you know how hard it was to stay anchored in that place.
I see you doing this … very clearly … God bless your journey, and the love you bring the world.
~ Karen Borga
Thanks I really needed this reminder today. I will try very hard to forgive.
I have forgiven my mother (who passed 4 years ago) and my youngest sister for trying to destroy me and my family. She is still trying to do that. I simply do not understand why anyone is so resentfull and jealous of her sister and nieces, when we have so much less (materialisticly speaking) than she has. But we are happy and content.
I forgive but will not forget and is it okay to not ever want to have a relationship with her?
Yes, of course … it totally appropriate for you to surround yourself with people who love and support you. When you release all feelings of guilt (or whatever else you see projected at you), you may be able to be with her … and see her with compassion through your loving (healed and whole) heart. If there are things that she does, that trigger you … look at those, and consider if deep inside of you, you hold some merit to that … if so, love it and let it go.
You can’t control or change people or past events. Love yourself and live your life to its fullest. Send your sister love and compassion. It must be hard to be her … feeling so much lack … lack of love from the outside, and lack of love on the inside.
Stepping away is healing for you. If she asks, tell her so … let her how you feel when you are with her … it causes you to feel __________, and until you can be with her while you are in a place of happiness and wholeness … you need to separate. Don’t blame her …. this is you … you need to be strong enough to know you did nothing wrong … and this is all her … if a part of you feels blame … forgive yourself … forgive her …. and then you allow yourself to feel whole. Compassion … it must be painful for her to be in her beliefs.
When you are stronger, and can accept who she is … not change her …. then, you can be with her again … always love her. Always love yourself.
~ Karen
P.S. What you are doing for yourself, you are also teaching your daughters through example. Love, respect and compassion. God bless you and your family.
I know I need to forgive my brother and his wife. I can acknowledge that I NEED to forgive, but the pain he has caused is still so fresh and raw. I must process first. I will get there, just not today.
Thanks Karen.This was right on time.
Since my significant other passed, I have been mad at him. I felt that if he listened to what I was telling him, he would still be alive today. The reading said this, it as about Forgiveness:
There is nothing you can do to make it not have happened.
In my heart i realized it was true because we chose how we leave this earth just like we choose before we enter this world. It gave me peace and I will let him know.
Since my mother died in June, my sisters have changed so much…and i am finding it very hard to communicate with them as we used to prior to my mother’s death. My middle sister (i am the eldest) and i were always so close, and we could talk about anything for hours on end. Now she is very bitter and angry all the time ( i am sure that is grief too) but she cuts me off before I can say a thing. My youngest sister, who always used to shy away from any proper conversation with me, is now the one who answers the phone and chats. However , when i actually go down to my mother’s house, i am made to feel like an outsider and not allowed to touch anything, and it is really getting me down. I know that i need to release my feelings of anger and hurt and be the better person, the oldest sibling , the reliable one (mother’s words)….but I’m finding it soooo hard…i am grieving too, but somehow i am not allowed to feel the depth of grief that they do. It hurts. And i know i have to let that go. Today’s card reading was spot on!!
Forgiveness is very freeing. Hard to start, but once I got started, it flowed. The Angst about this situation is much lower and gets lower all the time
Thank You. I still have childhood pain . . . I never felt lived from mother.
It’s hard to forgive especially when those who hurt others seem to prosper off of it
Acceptance of who they are maybe where you need to go first. Getting to a place where you can look at them and the situation, and see them for who they are. Forgiving yourself for trusting … and releasing any guilt you have about not seeing before. That is a step towards healing. One step at a time.
Remember to ask for Divine Assistance, you don’t have to do it alone.
Blessings to you and all you do,
~ Karen
Thank You x ❤
Thank You Karen. <3