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If you want to be able to connect with Angels, meditation is the “key.”

Our busy lives and busy minds distract us from getting that connection. Guided meditations are THE EASIEST WAY to go inside and receive healing, guidance, and inspiration from your Angels.

Karen explains what to do to get started. And, if you are looking for a guided meditation to give it a try – Karen’s best selling “Archangel Michael Energy Shield” was created especially for the Earth Angel. It is a great beginner meditation as well as an effective way to shield yourself from negative energies in your daily life.

You can use a guided meditation daily or as often as you choose. It will help strengthen your Angelic connection providing much needed divine guidance.

Archangel Michael’s
Energy Shield Meditation


Archangel Michael, the Angelic Protector and Guardian wants to help you feel the strength and power he can give you.