Your heart has the ability to express your true-inner knowing. This is the place inside of you that understands the real you – the deepest most honest you. The person you forget about way too often.
Your heart expresses its desires and disappointments through your emotions. When you are down, your heart is hurting too. When you are full of joy, your heart is singing. Rollercoaster emotions indicate you have not been listening to your heart.
You know in your heart when you have made a choice to please others, and not yourself. You know deep inside that something doesn’t feel right. Your heart never stops giving you advice. Learn to listen.
Your Angels want you to spend quiet time becoming acquainted with your heart. Look inside to see what guidance you can feel. Your next decision, ask your heart what is best for you. Your heart will never steer you wrong, it has pure unconditional love for you.
Alternative Meanings: You have a decision to make; trust your inner-knowing. It is okay to say “no.” Do something that makes you happy today. Happy days are ahead.
I listen to my heart because it knows what’s best for me.
I pay attention to my emotions; they are my heart’s guidance tool.

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Thank you. I will do this more.
Thank you. Lovely reading. I appreciate all that you both do for us.
Thank you Carol Have a wonderful evening. ~ Karen
Beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you
How can i see and talk to angels and could heal others.can u help me with that to conect with angels and with my mine angel
Love it
Hi Nancy!
Have a wonderful day.
~ Karen
Thank you for your great reading this is something I use everyday. I believe in love, happiness and abundance. Thank you. I love you.
Hi Raelyn,
Sending many blessings to you.
~ Karen
Thank you so much for this. I need to read this every day.
Thank you!
Yes I did thank You
Hi Phyliss,
Thank you for coming. Have a lovely day.
~ Karen
Thanks for the message
May God Bless You ~ For All That You Do ~ <3 ~
Thank you so much Carol.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Thank you for the card! This absolutely resonates with me!
Thank you so much Great reading just for me
Thankyou my Angels !! I’m.aware of this sad situation..but sometimes you just can’t go back..and you just continue living as you do for your livlyhood and try to not to waves or enemies …
I will learn to listen more to my heart
Thanks again for your message
My mamas favorite color green, she passed away in April, and she lived with me for many years, I was her care taker & I miss her so much.. I Thank you for the many daily angel readings. This one today is on point for me & I try not to be so sad, but it’s hard. My heart hurts.
Thankyou my Angels !!I’m going through this at the present time..many decisions to make regarding family..Very good Advice
Thank you I needed that message, have a lovely day
Thankyou my Angels !!this is so me .I wear my heart on my sleeve. But when I’m hurt ,,I’m hurt ..
Best Angelic advice as always….Thank you x
Thank you have a lovely day
Thank you and have a lovely day
Thank you…I do forget I also need to have peace .!!
Your reading is so so right ,I’ve been really down and I know something is wrong .
I know in my heart I have made the right decision, but this has torn my family apart due to me not getting the Covid shot. My son has shut off all communication with me and we are not able to see our new grandson.
This is so true
I read your message every day and find help, guidance and wisdom through them as well as strength ‘ thank you xxx
Thank You need to do this more
I need to listen more, blessings
Thankyou my Angels !! I do wear my heart on my sleeve..
Yes with gratitude thank you Angels
Thank you so much
Hi Karen, You are very welcome. Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
I will stop trying to please others and think more about my self
Karen, I must say, I’ve been feeling confused, trapped in sorts, and I feel like I’ve been ignoring that little message that is trying to scream loudly to me. I’m making excuses for a situation to continue, even changing the definition of but my heart has not been fooled. Rather, it’s nagging at me. Confusion is when I pray and ask for guidance, then a certain action or word happens rather quickly, making me feel like THAT was the answer… so I push forward, making excuses to my heart… I’m not happy in the situation, somehow trying to convince my conscience that it’s reason enough to be over it. BTW, I had just come in from a walk with my dog and found a dark gray feather in my weekender bag, inside an inner pocket, when I reached for kleenex. Then, I checked emails, and clicked on the card that spoke to me, and it was a green feather.
Oh Melissa, I get it … and how wonderful to receive a green feather. I love the miracle!! ~ Karen
Thank you Karen. I will try and practice this more often.xxx
Hi Anna,
That is a wonderful intention!
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Thank You For this Reading. It is right on everything it said. Thank You so much.❤…
Hi Yasna,
You are welcome. Have a loving day.
~ Karen
Thank you Karen I am very grateful for your reading love your cards green feather it’s right on everything is said ❤
Thank you I needed to hear this . I have to do what is right for me and who I care about the most, will try
To look after myself more because I worry to much about other people,, I’d say my angel is sick of trying to tell me this ,
Thank you Karen! x It is true I do run about for everyone else I have trouble saying ‘no’ if someone asks me to help, but I will sit and take notice of my heart, )o( xx
Hi Louisa,
What a wonderful gift to give yourself.
Blessings to you and all you do,
~ Karen
Thank you Karen for this wonderful reading it is right on everything it says bless you and have a great day ♥️
Thank you so much Gotta start listening to my heart
Hi Rhonda,
Listening to your heart is life altering!!
~ Karen
Learn to Listen. I will carry that forward from now on. Blessings to you dear Karen. I love my angel messages. <3
Loved this one today! I love my angel messages too/ Always right on time!
Thank you for this beautiful message from the green feather, loved it xx
Love the green feather and its beautiful message . Thank you Karen xx
Oh my Goodness this is so true at the moment for me, in fact I was talking with someone about all the things I’m struggling with, and yes,, not saying ‘no’ when I really do need to. Asking for help is not easy for me nor is asking for anything. I could go on, but my card hit everything (almost) right on the nail…I have a lot of thinking to do….as well as listening.
Thanks, again. Loving reminder!
Thank you .this is very true x
I look forward to this everyday . Starts my day out . Love it .
Hi Laurie,
Thank you. Have an amazing day!
Love ~ Karen
Thanks, Karen, I needed this beautiful reading today!
Hi Bobbie,
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
~ Karen
Thank you.x
Hi Linda,
Have a grateful day!
~ Karen
Thank You!! xx ♀️
Between this and my 2 horoscopes. All have said I need to reflect more on me. I suppose I ought to do that. :-))
Hi Heather … sounds like the Universe is really talking to you. Look forward to learning what you are doing for you. ~ Karen
Thank you so much. Just what i needed to hear
Thanks for this message
Thank you I understand my reading so much x love receiving your guidence thank you Karen x
This is my Brother;s favorite color. He passed away sometime ago. We was very close and I miss him so much.
Thanks for the reminder to listen to my heart and better days are coming for mer.
Thank you yesterday I felt my heart telling me to slow down so I understand thank you again Blessings❣
Thank you! I always get the guidance when I need when I need it.
I will listen to my heart today and everyday! Thank you!
Thank you for this much needed and beautiful message ❤
I listened today and was able to relax and enjoy the day. If felt wonderful
Thank you for this beautiful message ❤️